Does drinking coffee hinder mineral & vitamin absorption?

Disclaimer: I am not a coffee drinker, neither is Darrin. We don’t even own a coffee maker, I know… everyone (gasp) in disbelief. We did register for a Keurig coffee maker on our wedding registry, though. Everyone says we “need” a coffee maker when we have guests visiting, and everyone raves about these Keurigs. Maybe I’ll get hooked, we’ll see 😉

Rather than spend crazy amounts of money on gourmet coffee each month (like a large portion of Americans), I spend mine on wine & chocolate. Believe it…or not 🙂

Even though I’m not a coffee drinker, I will inform you of the health benefits of your cup O’Joe.

Overall, drinking coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful for your body. yay for all the coffee drinkers out there!

Pros: Coffee drinkers, compared to non-coffee drinkers are:

  • Less likely to have type 2 diabetes. Coffee contains magnesium and chromium, which help the body use the hormone insulin, which helps control blood sugar (glucose). Coffee also has high levels of antioxidants — nutrients that help prevent tissue damage caused by molecules called oxygen-free radicals.
  • Less likely to have Parkinson’s disease, and dementia
  • Have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstones, and strokes
  • Have fewer cavities, due to an antibacterial compound, trigonelline
  • Have improved athletic performance

We know the benefits, but does it interfere with vitamin and mineral absorption?

  • Caffeine can interfere with the absorption of certain minerals, including  magnesium, calcium, and iron, but the loss is minimal.
  • You can offset any mineral loss by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Do not consume caffeine within one hour of taking iron-containing foods or supplements to assure adequate absorption

More research needs to be conducted on the absorption of vitamins & minerals with caffeine intake. Until more is known, I would recommend continuing with your cup of coffee, but take your vitamin & mineral supplement at a different time than your cup of coffee or beverage containing caffeine.

Can I drink coffee if I’m prego?

  • In August 2010, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) stated that moderate caffeine drinking — less than 200 mg per day, or about the amount in 12 ounces of coffee — doesn’t appear to have any major effects on causing miscarriage, premature delivery, or fetal growth. Assure that your doctor is on-board with this recommendation, before you start visiting your local Starbucks, though.

Recommendations: Just be sure to keep your coffee intake moderate. If you experience palpitations, a rapid heartbeat or any symptoms associated with caffeine overload, talk to your doctor about your coffee intake. Ask your doctor if you’re pregnant, nursing, or have high blood pressure, heart disease, or osteoporosis.



  1. Olivia Banks says:

    Thank you for this article. It was incite full. By the way, the keurig has tea options, not only coffee!

  2. Thanks, I like either tea or coffee. Not for the perk but flavor. I quit coffee for a year & got diabetes.